मंगळवार, ४ नोव्हेंबर, २०१४

The Many Faces of Communication ~ with Loved Ones ~ and with God November 06,2014


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Nani and Megan Noelle
Nani Carol and Megan Noelle

The pastor, the psychologist, the psychiatrist often speak of communication. The prayer to God, the words to a spouse, the verbal venting of one’s frustration are all means of expressing our feelings.  Communication takes many forms. The expected result is one of mutual understanding and resolution of one’s needs. The question is always; “how”?

Not long ago, at a local restaurant, I witnessed an elderly couple speak to each other without uttering a word. The look, the gesture, the slight movements of their bodies spoke silent volumes of their mutual affection and pleasure at being together and enjoying a meal. I watched with admiration and wondered about my own ability to communicate as effectively as they did.

My thoughts began to drift away from them - to my own ability to communicate with my husband. What gestures, what words could convey my love as I sat across from him.  Do I convey my feelings to the people I love most?  I hope so...Either through words, a smile, a look, a hug...I want them to know I care.  I think they do.

Then I thought:  Do I always convey to my God and Savior the gratitude I feel in my heart for his forgiveness, the new life He gave me?  my acknowledgement of His Holy Spirit empowering my life to live for Him?  My thoughts~ do they drift as I silently voice my prayer?  Do my words carry the conviction and love I feel?  Are my words of praise and thanksgiving as rich as I want them to be?

The answer was a resounding y-e-s!   Not because of me, though.  It is only because of His abundant grace and love toward us! He sees us not as we deserve to be seen but He sees us as new creations in Christ, in our forgiven-by -the-blood-of Jesus state ~ and now filled with His Holy Spirit who teaches and guides us. So, yes:  He knows my heart:  He knows I am grateful for what He has done for me ~ not only on Calvary, which is profound!  but also for allowing me to live the blessed life I live today ~ in His strength.  So, I can speak my heart's joy and sorrow to Him and He will know what I mean before I whisper the words. 

God said: “Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear”. Isaiah.65:24.
Psalm  34:15 tells us; “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry”.
Isa.59:1 reminds us that: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save, nor his ear dull that it cannot hear:”
Isaiah 49:  16  And God said, 'I have inscribed your name on the palms of my hands......'

Psalm 42: 8 ...the Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime. And in the night His song shall be with me – A prayer to the God of my life.
Psalm: 34: 4  I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

What a wonderful privilege we have when we give our Lord the adoration and thanksgiving He so richly deserves We are blessed upon accepting in His invitation to come to Him. He will give rest to those of us who are burdened and heavy-laden.  Paul tells us that he understands our distress because the Holy Spirit communicates to God, our groanings, our longings and all the words we cannot form.  (Rom. 8;26-27) …We need not speak a word.  Bowing before the Lord with our hearts opened to Him, He meets our needs – right then and there.

So, we learn that our communication with the Lord is spiritual.  He knows our hearts; He knows our needs before we speak them.  He waits, though, for us to come to Him/to ‘show-up’ as the modern expression goes.  :)

THANK YOU,  LORD FOR HEARING US WHEN WE CALL ~ when we whisper or when we but long for the nearness of You.  Thank you for all that You have done for us and still want to do.  We praise You, Lord for Your power and Your glory...Keep us in Your light and Your path till we see You face to face.
In Jesus' name, Amen.


1-Peter_1-8 whom having not seen ye love


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